
I am obsessed with Pinot Noir. My exploration started with l’usine, a project where I work to master iconic, single-vineyard Pinots. But that was just the beginning. Through a friend of a friend, I met a courtier while on a trip to France. After getting to know the courtier’s family and becoming rather close, the conversations turned towards my passion for Pinot. “If we are going to focus on Pinot, then let’s make a Grand Cru Burgundy,” I told him. We began brainstorming ideas for how to source finished wine or fruit from a Grand Cru Burgundy vineyard. The courtier explained it would be nearly impossible to find since it was late in the year. He told me that if he was able to source wine, I would have to be in Burgundy immediately to decide. On December 6th I got the call and arrived in Burgundy 2 days later. The courtier presented 3 Premier Crus and 2 Grand Crus to blind taste and one stood out the most.
That wine I named MANQUÉ and it’s a Mazis – Chambertin Grand Cru. – Dave Phinney


Equinox is the first, and most exclusive of the Orin Swift wine clubs. Limited in membership, each member will receive two 6-bottle deliveries per year. One in the spring and one in the fall. Each shipment consists of a brand new, unique wine, red or white, with an equally unique story and label produced solely for the members of Equinox.

Orin Swift Equinox Wine
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